NY(to be read as New Year, not New York!) is the only mere celebration of time passing (us) by.. In my case that always forces me to get introspective and assess various aspects in my life..How much have I learnt this past year?How much have I seen? What was good? What did I miss? Where did I miss out? ..I can hardly answer Why?, for it just implies too much effort as I see it!
Inevitably, that introspection turns to thoughts of self-improvement and the annual ritual of making resolutions, as I previously blogged about, which offer the first of many important tools for remaking, reshaping ourselves, growing and blossoming...
The following list is the result of an extensive survey, which consisted of over 300,000 responses worldwide.
1. Lose Weight and Get in Better Physical Shape
Do we ever like the way our bodies actually look like?Are we ever fit enough, or pretty enough? Do magazines picture ever make us feel better rather than depress us?...Can we quit the chocolate addiction? :)
2. Stick to a Budget
I have the impression this one was influenced and directed to women mostly too..
3. Debt Reduction
No comment, I am only 21.
4. Enjoy More Quality Time with Family & Friends
Since Christmas is so close as a time range, it would happen for this to pop up.
5. Find My Soul Mate
This one needs no further eleboration :D
6. Quit Smoking
7. Find a Better Job
Maybe.We are currently dealing with a serious financial crisis!
8. Learn Something New
..Every day!That is what they taught me in school.
9. Volunteer and Help Others
Checked in my case.(this is too americanized honestly speaking!)
10. Get organized.
Definetly a possibility!
REFERENCE: These results were gathered from here.
So... what are your 2009 resolutions? Anything more creative and inovative?
Isn't that surprising that fitness was on top of the list?
At every point of our life we have to be the best we can be. dedicating all your time to one thing is no way to live. We have to stay well rounded and I saw your ass running so there should be no excuses :D
luts of luv.
You are crazy and far away..Too bad! :)
Keep up the good spirit
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